World Mental Health Day is observed annually on 10th October. The theme for the year 2022 is ‘Make Mental Health and Wellbeing for all – a Global Priority”. In order to create awareness among the students of PSGIMSR and to break the stigma about Mental Illness and to understand the importance of World Mental Health Day, PSG Student Wellness Center conducted following events:
- Mental Health Awareness Questionnaire: In order to stimulate students to initiate proactive action in the direction of promoting positive mental health, a Mental Health Awareness Questionnaire was prepared by the Student Wellness Center. This consisted of questions related to: (1) awareness of mental health and (2) suggestions for slogans promoting positive mental health send to the students.
- Poster Display: To promote the message of prioritizing mental health to students, faculties and staff of PSGIMSR, the best responses given by the students in the Mental Health Awareness Questionnaire were made into posters and put up for display in front of the Student Wellness Center and Principal’s Office, PSGIMS&R

- Pamphlet Distribution: The Student Wellness Center prepared psycho-educative pamphlets with information related to promoting positive mental health. Pamphlets also placed in front of Student Wellness Center and Principal’s Office for distribution for students, Student Counsellors also visited and distributed pamphlets to the following places: Library, Principal’s Office, Medical Education Training Department, Research Office and to all Pre & Para Clinical Departments in PSGIMS&R
- Outreach Program: The Student Counsellors S. Vimala, G. Poornima and R. George conducted a school mental health program for primary students of PSG Children’s School on the topic ‘Positive Wellbeing in School Children’ as an outreach program for spreading the message of positive mental health. Mental Health pamphlets were given to the teachers and to display in student’s notice boards.