Cardiology & Preventive Cardiology

PSG Hospitals’ maiden foray into specialties began on November 3, 1994, when the Department of Cardiology started functioning. The then fledgling department had just the basic facilities. Over the next two decades, a large number of major procedures have been added, including pacemaker implantation, balloon angioplasty and stenting, with state-of-the-art equipment at its disposal. This is a veritable testimony to the department’s growth.

Initially it was a three-member team headed by Dr J.S.Bhuvaneswaran. The department is currently headed by
Dr G. Rajendiran, and has expanded with six consultants supported by specialised technicians and nursing staff.

Dr G. Rajendiran, Head of the Department of Cardiology

An emergency ambulance, fully equipped for acute coronary care is available. The department offers round-the-clock, nine-bedded Intensive Coronary Care.

The electrophysiology lab, established in July 2012, facilitates mapping of the heart’s electrical activity and thus helps doctors to zero in on the cause or source of abnormal heartbeats. The department began offering superspeciality course in cardiology since 2010, as academic and research activities are quintessential for any health care facility to raise the bar of patient care. Specialised technical training in intensive care and diagnostics is also provided by the department.

The department believes in protocols and standardization of treatment .We have written protocols for both common and uncommon disease entities so that there is completeness and uniformity in treatment .This also should make publications easy in coming years.

Education of patients is our strength. We have an exclusive preventive department team and clinical nurse who are involved in educating patients. A team consisting of a rehabilitation expert, a dietician, a cardiac counsellor and a yoga therapist is involved under a Cardiologist’s supervision. We have formed a library exclusively for patients to read and learn . We also have installed a television to spread information. Booklets on common diseases are available both in tamil and English for patients to learn about their problems and drugs .

The preventive team visits our sister institutions and other institutions to educate people and screen them for risk factors.

The team aims to focus on young MI patients. Apart from offering them complete rehabilitation measures , we have initiated few studies as our research projects focusing on etiopathogenesis of atherosclerosis in the young.

Clinical Auditing adds to our quality of work

It is our pride to inform you that The Department of Cardiology and Angiology,PSG IMS&R is involved in dedicated cardiac and peripheral interventions for the past two decades. We have a fully equipped coronary care unit, State of the art cath lab with consultants available round the clock for emergency services.

Services offered

  • Non Invasive
  • ECG
  • TMT
  • Head up tilt table test( HUTT)

Comprehensive screening packages

  • Hypertension
  • Young Myocardial Infarction
  • Pulmonary Hypertension
  • Heart Failure Work up
  • Vasculitis work up

Preventive measures would be done under various modalities.

  • Consultation with the Cardiologist
  • Biochemical risk stratification
  • Diet counseling
  • Physical exercise counseling
  • Rehabilitation for cardiac patients, stress management and yoga.

Interventional services

  • 24 X 7 Primary PCI services for acute cororany syndromes
  • Coronary angiogram/angioplasty
  • Pericardiocentesis
  • Pacemaker implantation (Temporary, Permanent)
  • Electrophysiology study and ablation for arrhythmias
  • Pediatric interventions- ASD,VSD,PDA device closure,Pulmonary balloon Valvotomy
  • Balloon mitral Valvuloplasty for Rheumatic Mitral stenosis
  • Cath study for congenital heart disease

We are privileged to say that we have saved many limbs through intra arterial thrombolysis. Our timely intervention has saved many patients from disabling strokes. We are actively involved in many others peripheral interventions which are helpful in reducing morbidity and mortality in critically ill patients.

Following are list of peripheral procedures routinely being performed in our department.

1)Intra arterial lysis

  • Acute limb ischemia
  • Acute CVA(intraarterial lysis)

2) Embolisation

  • Uterine artery embolisation
  • Bronchial artery embolisation
  • Visceral arterial embolisation (Renal, splenic, hepatic)

3) Peripheral arterial interventions

  • Aortic and other arterial aneurysm requiring endovascular repair
  • Aortic and peripheral vascular ( Renal,subclavian,brachial,Iliac,Femoral and below the knee vessels) stenosis requiring    angioplasty and stenting
  • Carotid artery stenting

4) Venus interventions

  • IVC filter
  • Local lysis for DVT
  • Hepatic and IVC recanalization in Budd chiari syndrome


  • TNChief Minister health insurance scheme.
  • ESI
  • ECSH
  • Pvt Insurance
