
Dr. G. Amudha Head of the Department of Anatomy

The Department of Anatomy started in 1984 has been there since the inception of the college. Anatomy is an essential component of all undergraduate medicine programs in PSG Medical College. It is a one year course and forms a part of one of the basic sciences for MBBS. Teaching is conducted at both the undergraduate and postgraduate levels while ensuring that anatomy education is of the highest standard. The research and teaching undertaken in the Department of Anatomy and Histology are both supported by well-equipped facilities.



The postgraduate course in Anatomy was established at PSG IMS&R in 2011. Some of the postgraduate projects which are going on at present are:

  • Structure of Gubernaculum, Time of Appearance of the structure and its fate.
  • Extent of left anterior descending artery into the posterior interventricular groove.
  • Microscopic appearnce and fate of vomeronasal organ in humans.
  • Hypoplasia of intra-cranial part of right vertebral artery.
  • Stufy of the intrasegmental branching pattern of bronchial tree in fetus.
  • Estimation of the approximate time of appearance of type II pneumocytes.
  • Age changes in human skin.


Anatomy Lab: The structure of the human body is taught through lectures, cadaver dissections, and study of bones, charts and models. The facilities include a state of the art research lab, adequate cadavers, storage facility, Auto Embedding Machine, Embalming facilities, Binocular microscopes with photomicrographic attachment and dissection tables. Besides this there is a museum with 405 wet and dry specimens.

Histology Lab: Histology or microscopic anatomy is taught through lectures and practicals. The Histology Laboratory is well equipped with 150 microscopes. Demonstrations are done using two binocular microscopes with CCTV attachments. There are 3 demonstration rooms with a seating capacity for 75 students besides a seminar room and mandatory locker facilities for students. The library is well equipped with books, journals and has access to many online journals as well. A strong emphasis is placed on teaching which is done by experienced and dedicated faculty.


The department simultaneously caters to the academic needs of undergraduate students of medicine and postgraduate students of Anatomy. It is also actively involved in reinforcing basic medical skills for postgraduate students of all specialties.
