- The department of Nursing Service at PSG Hospitals is the biggest and plays a vital role in enabling “competent, compassionate, knowledgeable and professional” health care delivery to all. The total staff strength is over 900 and Nursing Administrators involved in various committees and departments of the hospital. The nursing service department continually educates and trains the nurses; thereby enabling them to provide “quality care” to individuals of all ages, with an aim to promote health and prevent illness; to restore health and alleviate suffering. In recent times; the Nursing profession has seen significant change; so there is always a need to keep pace with the challenges put forth to the healthcare industry. At PSG, the nurses are trained to not only execute the directions of a doctor; but also use theory and research based knowledge to provide direct and indirect care to the individuals and families. The Nurses at PSG play a fundamental role in fulfilling the Hospital’s mission which is “To Provide Scientific, Ethical and Quality Health Care”.
- The Nursing service of PSG Hospitals supports the mission of PSG & Sons Charitable Trust by providing high quality nursing care with commitment to nursing practice, education and research.
- Nursing service at PSG Hospitals will be recognized for its excellence in nursing care with commitment to patient’s values, holistic health and safety and nursing service will incorporate advances in Nursing sciences promoting an evidence based practice.
“Nurses are the Heartbeat of Health Care Service”
- Nursing profession recalls the name of Florence Nightingale and it’s indeed one of the noblest professions in the world. “Nursing” is both mentally and physically challenging profession, as nurses are often exposed to a lot of health risks and infectious diseases; and also demands long tiresome hours of work which integrate both ability and sympathetic understanding of the patient’s needs.
- Nurses comprise the largest vital component of the total health organization and are the primary providers of “patient care”. The Nursing Department of PSG Hospitals comprise of over 900 qualified nurses; keeping the nurse to patient ratio in the critical care sites (1:1) and in the other departments (1:6). Nursing duties are diverse and cover a wide range of functions and responsibilities; so we ensure that nurses are placed in the right area of work depending on the qualification, experience and work environment demands. Nursing is a combination of both science and art; science being the application of knowledge and technical aspects in nursing practices and art being to establish a caring and concerned relationship with the patients in a compassionate way.
- Keeping this in mind the main aim of our department is to prepare the nurses with core knowledge; competence, ability and commitment, thus enabling our nurses to have a better insight to work in a professional and ethical manner.
- Nevertheless a nurse is a divine light that can make other’s lives shine brighter through their noble service. I conclude by stating in very simple words that nursing is a work of both the heart and soul; and that the nurses are the “backbone” of PSG Hospitals.
– Dr.M.D.Anuratha
- Staff Welfare Programmes
- Journal Club
- Clinical Presentation and Demonstration
- Seminar Presentation
- Workshops and Conferences conducting and participating
- Best Nurse and Best maintained Ward awarding Programme
- Induction programme for novice nurses
- Special Training programmes.
- Celebrating various programmes like International Nurses Day, Children’s day, World Breast feeding Week, Infection controls Week etc.

Award for Best Maintained ward

Best Nurse Award

Nurses participated in Fancy dress competition

Staff nurses participated in Role play

Nurses participated in Debate

Poster Presentations

Staff nurses participated in Role play

The Department of Nursing Service, PSG Hospitals were honored during PSG HEART VALUE FORUM on 20th May 2017 for their valuable contribution and continuous support for treating patient with cardio thoracic and vascular surgery


AHPI “Nursing Excellence award” for the year 2018 received from smt. K. Shailaja Teacher Minister of Health and Social Welfare of Kerala & AHPI Team members.