General & Gastro Intestinal Surgery

The Department of Surgery was started by Prof Mohan Kumar in January 1987, when the first batch of MBBS students of the PSG Institute of Medical Sciences & Research began their clinical training. With only outpatient facility available, patients were taken to Sri Ramakrishna Hospital for operations.

Today, under Dr S. Premkumar, it is one of the core departments in the hospital that provides all through the week out-patient services, in addition to elective and emergency inpatient services. With 15 qualified surgeons in six units, the range of surgeries performed include cancer, gastrointestinal, breast, thyroid and other endocrine surgeries. Advanced head and neck cancer surgery, reconstruction and major abdominal surgeries, such as surgery for portal hypertension, are performed.

Dr. S. Rajeshkumar, Head of the Department of Surgery

Minimally invasive surgery is one of its strengths with several advanced procedures being done routinely. The surgeons are adept in performing complex abdominal surgeries through the laparoscope. Bariatric surgery or surgery for morbid obesity is also done. The hospital’s centrally air-conditioned operation theatre complex has state-of-the-art equipment, adjoined by a sophisticated surgical intensive care unit, using the latest life support systems. The department also has an upper and lower GI endoscopy unit.
The well-equipped emergency unit follows internationally recognised advanced trauma life support protocols. With a team led by a qualified Surgeon in the hospital, 24 hours a day, trauma and other emergencies are dealt adroitly. It also ensures that continuous and quality patient care is rendered.

Academics and continuous upgrading have not lagged behind. Six major international conferences, popularly known as PSG Surgicon, have been conducted in the last decade. There is an active postgraduate program.

Special Clinical / Diagnostic Service

  • General and GI surgery cases
  • Special clinical programs concentrating on breast, thyroid, varicose vain, diabetic foot disorders and obesity
  • Diagnostic upper and lower GI endoscopy facility
  • All major advanced laparoscopic procedures


  • Harmonic Scalpel
  • Ligasure
  • HD Laparoscopy Units
  • Argon plasma coagulation
  • Fully equipped animal lab


  • Impalement injury with transanal prolapse of bowel content due to intraperitoneal rectal tear – Dr.Inpharasan.
  • Study on usefulness of modified alvarado score in acute appendicitis incorporating ultrasound. – Dr.Prabhu / Dr.S.Premkumar.
  • Intact parathyroid hormone, an early predictor of asymptomatic hypo calcemia post total thyroidectomy- Dr.Rajeev raj / Dr.Vimalkumar Govindan.
  • Comparison of the efficiency of 5 scoring system and 5 bio chemical markers in predicting the severity of acute pancreatitis in the Indian population. – Dr.Priyanka / Dr.T.S.Balashanmugam.
  • Laparoscopic versus open inguinal hernia repair: A prospective non randomized study.- R.Parthasarathy / Dr.M.G.Mahendaran.

    E- Journal – Paper:

  • Intra thyroidal location of parathyroid adenoma – Dr.S.Premkumar / Dr.Prabhu.
  • Primary hyper parathyroidism in a case of pancreatitis – A case report – Dr.S.Premkumar / Dr.Rajeevraj.
  • Pancreas preservation in complete traumatic transection of pancreas Dr.S.Premkumar / Dr.Parthasarathy.
  • Tail gut cyst – a case report – Dr.Vimalkumar Govindan / Dr.Priyanka


    Department conducts regular National Conferences & Workshops under the title “PSG Surgicon”

  • Surgicon – 2003 – Gen.Surgery
  • Surgicon – 2005 – Upper GI.Surgery
  • Surgicon – 2006 – Colorectal surgery
  • Surgicon – 2008 – Obesity surgery
  • Surgicon 2010 – Hepatobiliary pancreatic surgery
  • Surgicon – 2011 – Endocrine surgery
  • Department offers Professor Dr.Hemachander memorial gold medal every year, to the student who scores first mark in the final year part II University surgery examination.

