General Medicine

At the time of its inception in March 1987, the Department of General Medicine functioned from a single room, which handled outpatients at Avinashi Road, and had just one faculty member. Prof. Dr Sheshanarayanan G.V. was the first HOD. It has now grown by leaps and bounds and boasts of eight outpatient department cubicles, two general wards, beds in private and special wards.

Dr. T. Saravanan MD (General Medicine) Head of the Department of General Medicine

The department has expanded to eighteen specialists. The department’s forte is caring for patients with multisystem disorders, infectious diseases and chronic non-communicable diseases. It also offers a host of invasive, diagnostic and therapeutic medical procedures which include fluid removals from body cavities and bone marrow aspiration, which refers to the removal of the soft tissue inside the bones. It also offers biopsy of liver as well as Lumbar Puncture (LP), a procedure by which a needle is inserted into the spinal canal. LP is commonly performed for diagnosis of diseases like meningitis and is also used as treatment for some diseases.

The geriatric division takes care of health issues of senior citizens. The diabetology division treats diabetic patients and offers a host of services including counselling and diabetic education. PSG Hospitals’ full-fledged diabetology wing focuses on treatment and prevention thereby delaying the complications of the disease. Non communicable diseases are dealt with in the outpatient clinic in a holistic manner with emphasis on lifestyle changes and regular follow up. The department of medicine has consultants on duty round the clock. It treats and admits a wide spectrum of patients and provides quality emergency care.

The Intensive care unit offers the best available therapy to the most challenging critically ill patients.

The department started a postgraduate course in 2001 with two candidates per year and in 2010 it was upgraded to six seats per year. Reflecting the giant strides made by the department, now headed by Dr K. Jayachandran, it attracts numerous referrals from outside practitioners. It has a host of achievements including numerous publications and presentations at important conferences, which has contributed immensely to the growth of the institution. Its developmental plans include setting up of a separate infectious diseases wing. It also participates actively in various public health camps.

The Department of Medicine offers teaching and training programmes for 600 under graduates and 18 post graduate students.

Educational activities for under graduates include bedside clinics, theory classes, small group teaching, symposia, integrated teaching CME programmes, ICMR Research projects etc.

The Post Graduate educational activities include, bedside clinics, theory classes, symposia, journal clubs, CME programmes and E-Journal publication, Dissertation and participation and publication in journals and conferences, clinical meetings, mortality review meetings and several other guest lectures.

The Department of Medicine has a well equipped Departmental library with about 300 books for the benefit of faculty and post graduates.


    • Renal Carbuncle – Journal of Applied Medicine November 1992
    • Acute Pancreatitis with disseminated intra-vascular coagulation – Journal of Association of Physicians of India – January 1993

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Dr. L. S. Somasundaram

  • A Case of Pseudohypoparathyroidism with Systemic Lupus Erythematosis. JAPI – 2002

Dr. T. Saravanan – Paper presentation

    • Effect of current medicine treatment strategies in acute myocardial infarction on outcome at the 12TH annual conference of the Indian College of Cardiology, August 2005.
    • A rare presentation of Pseudo mallei infection in aspleenic patient at the 2ND Annual Brunei scientific program.

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Dr. A. Murali

    • Selvakumar Balakrishnan, Maya Gopaakrishnan, Murali Alagesan, E.S Prakash. What is the ultimate goal in acid base regulation? Adv Physiol Educ 2007; 31: 51-54 PMID: 17327583
    • Sreenivasan N, Murali A, Calcified empyema thoracis, Calicut Medical Journal 2009; 7(4): e8
    • Periodontal infection in coronary artery disease
    • Carotid intimal medial thickness in children of premature coronary artery patients

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On Going Research
Dr. Tolstoy

  • Pulmonary – hypertension in hyperthyroidism

