Student Wellness Center

A warm welcome to Students and Parents!

PSG IMS & R has started PSG Student Wellness Center for the wellbeing of the students. The main focus of the center is to address the personal and psychological needs of our students.

PSG Student Wellness Center has experienced counsellors to assist and guide the students in their move towards success in academic, personal and social concerns. By providing confidential environment students can attain optimum achievement and adequate adjustment in the varied life situation. Students can discuss anything that may be bothering them and the counsellors help to get more insight about the problem and effective ways to cope and resolve the problem. All the counsellors will work on ethical standards of counselling and committed towards students wellbeing.

Wellness center activities focus on the following areas

  • Individual counselling
  • Motivation for studies
  • Getting organized/time management
  • Low self esteem
  • Changing difficult behaviors/ habits
  • Adjustment difficulties
  • Relationship problems
  • Family issues
  • Group sessions
  • Working hours: 8.00 am to 7.00 pm
  • Location: Near Central Library
