Quality Management Department

Quality Management Department focuses on the Quality Policy of the institution which is also based on the institution’s Mission & Vision statements as well as the Quality Policy.

The department focuses broadly on the four core principles for quality assurance in the institution. They are as follows:

  • Patient (customer)
  • Hospital delivery systems (systems and processes)
  • Analysis and problem identification (performance measurement)
  • Team work

Quality Policy

PSG Hospitals provides total health care to its patients, with the highest levels of skill, professionalism and ethical practice,
leading to their effective care and treatment at affordable costs. PSG Hospitals facilitates medical education and research, and is committed to
continued quality improvement.

Our Mission

Scientific, Ethical and Quality Health Care

Our Vision

  • To be a dynamic, growth oriented organization where individuals synergize to meet the challenges and to achieve excellence in all spheres.
  • To provide quality health care to the patients, conforming to scientific and ethical standards.
  • To constantly upgrade the quality of medical practice and education in the hospital
  • To be a teaching hospital of distinction, setting the highest standards in patient care, medical education, training and research.
  • To provide an ideal environment for medical education and research.