Professional Information

Dr.Amala Rajasundari. T Designation :

Sep 2014 – July 2018       Department Incharge-Serology & Molecular Biology, Bioline Laboratory, CBE Aug 2011 – July 2014       Head of the Department- Molecular Biology, Microbiological Laboratory, CBE Mar 2011 – May 2011     Post-Doctoral Training Fellow, Georgia Regents University, Augusta, US Aug 2009 - Dec2010         Post Doctoral Fellow, Dr. G.V. Eye Research Institute, Madurai Sep 2008 – Jul 2009          Pre-Doctoral Fellow, Dr. G.V. Eye Research Institute, Madurai
  • Infectious Molecular Biology
  • Virology
  • Molecular expression pattern in Diabetic retinopathy & Age related Macular Degeneration
  • MSC- Distinction Award
  • BSc – First rank & Best Student Award (T.M. Lakshmi Endowed Prize)
  • ORBIS Project Fellowship award to visit Health Protection Agency, London, UK
  1. Rajasundari TA, Maple PAC, Sundaresan P, Vijayalakshmi P, Brown DWG, Jin L. Isolation and enhanced genetic analysis of rubella virus obtained from infants with congenital ocular defects. Current Topics in Virology,2012;10: 99-109
  2. Rajasundari A, Pays L, Mehlen P, Ramesh G. Netrin-1 overexpression in kidney proximal tubular epithelium ameliorates cisplatin nephrotoxicity. Lab Invest, 2011; 91(12): 1717-26.
  3. Rajasundari TA, Sundaresan P, Vijayalakshmi P, Brown DWG, Jin L. Laboratory confirmation of congenital rubella syndrome in infants - an Eye hospital based investigation. J Med Virol, 2008; 80(3): 536-46
  4. Vijayalakshmi P, Rajasundari TA, Prasad NM, Prakash SK, Kalpana N, Meenakshi R,Ø Muthukkaruppan VR, Lalitha P, Brown DWG. Prevalence of Eye Signs in Congenital Rubella Syndrome in South India: A Role for Population Screening. Br J Ophthalmol, 2007; 91: 1467-70.
  5. Vijaylakshmi P, Muthukkaruppan VR, Rajasundari A, Korukluoglu G, Nigatu W, L A Warrener , Samuel D, Brown DW. Evaluation of a commercial rubella IgM assay for use on oral fluid samples for diagnosis and surveillance of congenital rubella syndrome and postnatal rubella. J Clin Virol, 2006; 37: 265-8
  6. Rajasundari TA, Chandrasekar K, Vijayalakshmi P, Muthukkaruppan V. Immune status of health care personnel and post vaccination analysis of immunity against rubella in an eye hospital. Indian J Med Res, 2006; 124: 553-8