Professional Information

Dr. S. Ramalingam Designation : Dean, Head PSG CMMT

  • MD Pharmacology
Institution and Location
Degree/Training & Year
Field of Study/Training
Coimbatore Medical College, Coimbatore, India
M.B.B.S., 1985
6 ½ years
Kasturba Medical College, Manipal, India
M.D., 1991
2 Years
Stanford University,
International Fellowship in Medical Education awarded by ECFMG, USA, 2000
6 months
Medical Education-Worked on Clinical Pharmacology Cases in a collaborative project between Stanford University and Karolinska Institute, Sweden.
Stanford University,
Postdoctoral Research fellowship & Dean’s Fellowship Sep. 2001- Sep 2005
4 Years
Clinical Pharmacology & Molecular Pharmacology
University of California, San Francisco, USA
Course in Basic Clinical and Population Pharmacokinetics and PK-PD Modeling
1 year
Clinical Pharmacology
University of Queensland
Post doctoral scholar
6 months
PK PD modeling
Fellowship in medical education
2 years
Medical education
  • Established PSG Center for Molecular Medicine and Therapeutics (PSG CMMT)
  • Chair and Center Coordinator, ADR monitoring center/ Pharmacovigilance Committee, Department of Pharmacology, PSG Institute of Medical Sciences and Research, India
  • Founded the Population Approach Group of India (PAGIN) in association with Dr Bruce Green, University of Queensland, Australia and successfully conducted two workshops in Population PK-PD modeling
  • Founder Chair of the Department of Clinical Research and Bioethics at PSGIMSR.
National Level Resource Faculty
  • NIH – ICMR Workshop on Bioethics and Clinical Trials, December 14 – 16, 2007, Jaipur, and December 20 – 22 , 2007 , Coimbatore
  • Intellectual Property Rights and Access to Drugs – Invited speaker at National Bioethics Conference , December 6 – 8 , 2007 , Bangalore
  • Intellectual Property Rights and access to drugs – Invited speaker at Dermatology National Conference, January 2009 ,Bangalore
  • Invited speaker at various universities and colleges on Bioethics, ICH-GCP protocols, clinical trial designs
    Peer-reviewed Publications:
  • Phenytoin and phenobarbital: A comparison of their state-dependent effects.K. B. Kumar, S. Ramalingam and K. Sudhakar Karanth., Pharmacology, Biochemistry and Behavior, 1994, Vol.47,951-956.
  • The pulse rate of pulse therapy. Tiwari A, Srinivas CR, Ramalingam S.. Indian J Dermatol Venereol Leprol 2000;66:49-50.
  • Use of computer assisted learning as an adjuvant to practical pharmacology teaching: Advantages and limitations. Kuruvilla, S. Ramalingam, A.C. Bose, G.V. Shastri, K. Bhuvaneswari, G. Amudha. Indian Journal of Pharmacology 2001.33, (4), 208-211.
  • Novel contributions to the Asian CFTR mutation spectrum: genotype and phenotype in Thai patients with cystic fibrosis. Iris Schrijver, Wikrom Karnsakul, Sudha Ramalingam, Ramalingam Sankaran, Chanin Limwongse , Richard Moss, Phyllis Gardner American Journal of Medical Genetics 2005.133 (1) 103 – 105
  • Diagnostic Testing by Comprehensive CFTR Mutation analysis in a large group of Hispanics; Novel mutations and assessment of a population-specific mutation spectrum; Iris Schrijver, Sudha Ramalingam, Ramalingam Sankaran, Steve Swanson, Charles L M Dunlop, Steve Keiles, E.Robert Wassman, Richard Moss ,J Oehlert, Phyllis Gardner, Anja Kammesheidt. Journal of Molecular Diagnostics.2005. 7 (2).
  • Studies on pharmacological effects of Russell's viper and Saw-scaled viper venom and its neutralization by chicken egg yolk antibodies. S. Meenatchisundarama, G. Parameswaria, A. Michael , S. Ramalingam. Int Immunopharmacol. 2008. 8(8), 1067-73.
  • Neutralization of the pharmacological effects of Cobra and Krait venoms by chicken egg yolk antibodies. Meenatchisundaram S, Parameswari G, Michael A, Ramalingam S. Toxicon. 2008 Aug 1; 52(2):221-7.
  • Impact of supplementation of food based antioxidant mix on the antioxidant status of selected breast cancer patients.Kowsalya S, Ramalingam S, Ithyamalar S.Ind J Nutr Dietet.2008 .45, 257.
  • Haim munk syndrome and papillon lefevre syndrome – allelic mutations in cathepsin c with variation in phenotype. Reena Rai., Thiagarajan, S., Karthika Natarajan., Soumya Mohandas., Shanmuga Sekar C., Ramalingam.S. International Journal of Dermatology. 2010. 49(5), 541-543.
  • Innovations in monitoring of adverse drug reactions: the role of a technical advisor. Ramalingam S, Ponnuswamy TK, Sivan YS. Indian J Med Ethics. 2013. 10(3), 190-1.
  • Ethics workshops-are they effective in improving the competencies of faculty and postgraduates? Ramalingam S, Bhuvaneswari S, Sankaran R. J Clin Diagn Res. 2014. 8(7), XC01-XC03.
  • Modulation of host ubiquitin system genes in human endometrial cell line infected with Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Meenu, S., Thiagarajan, S., Ramalingam, S., Michael, A., Ramalingam, S. Med Microbiol Immunol. 2016. 205(2), 163-71.
  • Genotype Phenotype Correlation of Genetic Polymorphism of PPAR Gamma Gene and Therapeutic Response to Pioglitazone in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus- A Pilot Study. S. Shanmuga Priya, Ramalingam Sankaran, Sudha Ramalingam, Thiagarajan Sairam, LS Somasundaram. J Clin Diagn Res. 2016. 10(2), FC11 - FC14.
  • IMA Life Member
  • FAIMER fellow
  • Regular faculty for the internally acclaimed advanced medical education program for teachers called ‘Fellowship in Advanced International Medical Education & Research’ (FAIMER)
  • Undergone MCI accredited workshop on revised course in Medical Education Technologies
  • Core Member, MET, PSG IMS&R
  • Member, Institute Animal Ethics Committee, PSGIMSR