Professional Information

Dr.Sankarganesh Jeyaraj Designation : Associate Professor

Year Designation Institution
November 2018 to till date Associate Professor PSG-Center for Molecular Medicine and Therapeutics, PSGIMSR, Coimbatore, India
July 2017 to October 2018 Assistant Professor (Senior Grade) PSG College of Technology and PSG Institute of Advanced Studies, Coimbatore, India
July 2009-December 2016 Research scientist University Hospital Tuebingen, Tuebingen, Germany
January 2008-March 2009 Post doctoral Research Fellow University of Massachusetts Medical School, Worcester, USA
February 2004 to December 2007 PhD fellow Eberhard Karls University of Tuebingen, Germany
  • Infectious diseases
  • Anti-Microbial resistance
  • Genomics
  • Malaria
  • Tuberculosis
  • Next Generation Sequencing
  • Lalremruata A, Jeyaraj S*, Engleitner T, Joanny F, Lang A, Bélard S, Mombo-Ngoma G, Ramharter M, Kremsner PG, Mordmüller B, Held J. Species and genotype diversity of Plasmodium in malaria patients from Gabon analysed by next generation sequencing. Malaria Journal. 2017 Oct 3; 16(1):398 (*Shared First authorship)
  • Felix Koukouikila-Koussounda*, Sankarganesh Jeyaraj*, Christian N Nguetse Charles NchotebahNkonganyi; Kossiwa Clarisse Kokou; Mandingha K Etoka-Beka; Francine Ntoumi; Thirumalaisamy Velavan Molecular surveillance of Plasmodium falciparum drug resistance in the Republic of Congo: four and nine years after the introduction of artemisinin-based combination therapy Malaria Journal 2017 Apr 19;16(1):155 (*Shared first authorship)
  • Albert Lalremruata, Magda Magris, Sarai Vivas-Martínez, Maike Koehler, MeralEsen, Prakasha Kempaiah, Sankarganesh Jeyaraj, Douglas Jay Perkins, and others Natural infection of Plasmodium brasilianum in humans: Man and monkey share quartan malaria parasites in the Venezuelan Amazon. Ebiomedicine Sep. 2015
  • Jana Held, Sankarganesh Jeyaraj, Andrea Kreidenweiss. Antimalarial compounds in Phase II clinical development. Expert Opinion on Investigational Drugs 2015 Jan 7:1-20
  • Ashlyn D. Ritter, Yuan Shen, Juan Fuxmann Bass, Sankarganesh Jeyaraj, Bart Deplancke, Arnab Mukhopadyay, Jian Xiu, Monica Driscoll, Heidi A. Tissenbaum, Albertha J.M. Walhout Complex Expression Dynamics and Robustness in C.elegans Insulin Networks. Genome Research 2013 Jun;23(6):954-65
  • Böhmer C, Sopjani M, Klaus F, Lindner R, Laufer J, Jeyaraj S, Lang F, Palmada M.The serum and glucocorticoid inducible kinases SGK1-3 stimulate the neutral amino acid transporter SLC6A19.Cell Physiol Biochem.2010; 25(6): 723-32
  • Laufer J, Boehmer C, Jeyaraj S, Knuwer M, Klaus F, Lindner R, Palmada M, Lang F. The C-terminal PDZ-binding motif in the Kv1.5 potassium channel governs its modulation by the Na+/H+ exchanger regulatory factor 2.Cell Physiol Biochem.2009; 23(1-3):25-36
  • Klaus F, Palmada M, Lindner R, Laufer J, Jeyaraj S, Lang F, Böhmer C. The hypertonicity-activated myo-inositol transporter SMIT is translationally up regulated by the cell volume sensitive protein kinase SGK1. J Physiol. 2008; (586 Pt 6): 1539-1547
  • Böhmer C, Palmada M, Klaus F, Jeyaraj S, Lindner R, Laufer J, Lang F The peptide transporter PepT2 is targeted by the protein kinase SGK1 and the scaffold protein NHERF2. Cell Physiol Biochem.2008; 22(5-6):705-14
  • Jochen Paul, Sankarganesh Jeyaraj, Stephan M. Huber, Guiscard Seebohm, Christoph Böhmer, Florian Lang, Peter G. Kremsner and Jürgen F. J. Kun. Alterations in the cytoplasmic domain of CLCN2 result in altered gating kinetics Cell Physiol Biochem. 2007;20(5):441-54
  • Jeyaraj S,Bohmer C, Lang F, Palmada M. Role of SGK1 kinase in regulating glucose transport via glucose transporter GLUT4. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. May 11; 356(3):629-35, 2007
  • Palmada M, Boehmer C, Akel A, Rajamanickam J, Jeyaraj S, Keller K, Lang F. SGK1 kinase up regulates GLUT1 activity and plasma membrane expression. Diabetes 55 4(2): 421-7, 2006
  • Palmada M, Speil A, Jeyaraj S, Bohmer C, Lang F. The serine/threonine kinases SGK1, 3 and PKB stimulate the amino acid transporter ASCT2. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. May 27; 331(1): 272-7,2005