Centre for Research & Bioethics

The objective of the Center is to promote Research and Bioethics as a part of the academic experience of students and professional experience of faculty.

The Center is involved in multivarious activities to meet with this objective. The Center’s activities can be broadly categorized into:

  • Capacity Building in Research and Bioethics
  • Intramural Funding for Research
  • Facilitate grant writing
  • Administration of Grants


Capacity building

  • Research methodology workshops
  • Biostatistics workshop
  • Grant Writing workshop
  • PSG Centre for Research is the nodal centre and the only Centre in Tamil Nadu to train Diplomate of National Board students in Research.


For Undergraduate students

  • Dr.Thangavelu Memorial grant, named after the first Dean of PSG IMSR is sponsored by the first batch of the students of the institution. A grant of Rs 30,000, a citation and a medal is given away to one student for a project on Translational Research
  • PSG PRIME(Promoting Research in Medicine) an inhouse grant mechanism with the generous support of PSG Management 15 awards of Rs.20000 each awarded on a competitive basis for medical undergraduate students
  • Three grants of Rs.25000 each is also awarded for undergraduate research from the endowment fund instituted by the 1987 batch students of PSGIMSR
  • In addition all Undergraduate students are encouraged to apply for extramural grant mechanisms such as ICMR – STS

For Postgraduate students and faculty


  • For Postgraduate thesis 10 awards of 1 lakh each is given on a competitive basis
  • For faculty two category A grants of 4 lakhs each and four category B grants of 2 lakhs each is awarded on a competitive basis


  • S.Sankaran Memorial Award for Best Student Researcher selected based on previous Research credentials and presentation adjudged by an expert research panel.
  • Dr C.S Krishnamurthy Award for animal experimentation and pre-clinical studies.

Invited Lectures

  • Dhanwantri Oration
  • Eminent scientists are invited every year to deliver an Oration and share their experiences with faculty and students of PSG IMSR.


  • AXON a two-day academic conference/Research event is organised by the students at regional kevel. Every year 250 students participate in scientific events like Quiz, Clinico Pathological case discussions, Research paper and poster presentations.


Capacity building

  • Research ethics workshops
  • Publication ethics workshops
  • Postgraduate Diploma in Bioethics
  • PSG Centre for Research and Bioethics is one of the very few centers to offer a formal academic program in Bioethics. The Postgraduate Diploma in Bioethics is a one year distance education program with four on-site sessions at PSG. The admissions open during the month of June/July every year
  • PSG Centre for Research and Bioethics is a satelite center for offering a eight week online course from NIH, USA on Ethical and Regulatory guidelines in Clinical Research


  • Saradha Memorial Award is for students in medical humanities. The Centre conducts multi stage competitions which expose students to appreciate art, poetry, photography in relation to medicine and health.


Strategic Initiative for Developing Capacity in Ethical Review (SIDCER) is a network independently established for developing ethics review capacity under WHO. PSG is the first Institutional Human Ethics Committee to get recognised in South India and is one of the 11th to have recognition in India. The Centre oversees the functioning of Institutional Human Ethics Committee.