Courses Offered

Postgraduate Diploma in Bioethics is one of the few formal academic programs in the country is offered through distance education mode. It’s a one year course with four onsite sessions every quarter. The diploma is granted through Bharathiar University.

The one-year distance education course involves remote activities, online and offline, as well as three-day contact sessions every quarter at the PSGIMS&R Campus in Peelamedu, Coimbatore. A wide range of topics are covered in the course such as Basics of Bioethics, including History and Philosophical foundations, Bioethics and Religion, Bioethics and Law, Clinical Ethics, Public Health Ethics, Research Ethics including Clinical Trials and Ethical issues involved in recent advances in science and technology such as Genetics, Stem Cell Research and Assisted Reproductive Technology etc.

Other than didactic approaches, students would also engage in several interactive exercises facilitated by the faculty members, such as mock ethics review, movie, book and journal reviews and customized online activities.
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Research Methodology Workshop

A three day workshop on Research methodology will be held between Oct 11-13, 2017 for first year postgraduate students by Tamilnadu Dr MGR Medical University

Onsite Sessions

Second onsite sessions for the Postgraduate Diploma in Bioethics will be held between Oct 13-15, 2017 at PSGIMS&R