Professional Information

Dr. Madhulika Vijayakumar Designation : Assistant Professor

  • MBBS
  • MD, RT (Radio Therapy)
  • 6 Months of Clinical Experience as Senior Resident
  • Brachy therapy
  • Electro Chemotherapy
  • Conformal Radiation Techniques
  • Travel Fellowship for the Year 2015 both in state AROI / NATIONAL AROI
  • Epidemiological Study of Carcinoma Urinary Bladder Reporting at BIRO
  • Prospective Study of Phantom Breast Syndrome and Psychological Distress among breast Cancer Patients
  • Published an article in Journal of Cancer Prevention and Current Research, on Electro chemotherapy in a case of Squamous cell Carcinoma in Buccal Mucosa : Case Report
  • Study on Neoadjuvant Short Course Radiotherapy Followed by Surgery in Locally Advanced Rectal Cancers
  • Rare Case Presentation – Dual Malignancy Breast and Ureteral Cancer Lynch II Syndrome
  • Life member of Association of Radiation Oncologist of India
  • Life member of India Brachytherapy Society
  • Certified in Essentials of Palliative Care Under Indian Association of Palliative Care