Professional Information

Dr. Sudipta Sen Designation : HOD & PROFESSOR

  • MS, M.CH (Paediatric Surgery)
  • 39 years
  • Paediatric Urology including complex Reconstructive surgery
  • General paediatric Surgery


  • Best outgoing student of CMC vellore
  • Best outgoing student of University of Madras
  • Gold medalist in physiology, biochemistry, pharmacology, pathology, pediatrics, community health, surgery, medicine, obstetrics and gynecology

Paediatric Surgeon

oration award

  • Dayalan Memorial oration 2003,
  • MSR oration in Paediatric Surgery,
  • Asian Society of Paediatric Urology 2015,
  • Dr. John S Carmen oration award 2014,
  • Manish Memorial oration 2015,
  • Annual oration in west Bengal chapter of Paediatrics 2015

Contribution to paediatrc Surgery

  • Contributor including operating demonstrator in various paediatric surgery / paediatric Urology workshops
  • Professor in Paed.Surgery from 1991 and Examiner for M.Ch Paed.Surgery
  • In many centres in India including AIIMS, New Delhi, Maulana Azad Medical College, New Delhi, Calcutta University, Bombay University, Trivandrum University, Kerala, Bangalore University etc and Dr. MGR Medical University, Chennai.
  • Head of dept. of Paed.Surgery, Christian Medical College Hospital, from 1984-86 and 1996 – 2001& from 2010- 2014

Service to Mission Hospitals

  • Worked as Surgeon at Chaturpur Christian Mission Hospital, Madhya Pradesh for 1 year from 2011-12
  • Dorsal enteric cysts – a study of eight cases
  • Giant inflammatory pseudotumor of the lung masquerading as
  • Renal function and versicoureteric reflux in children with
  • Ectopic Vasal insertion into the posterior urethra; report of 2 cases
  • Single system ureteroceles in childhood - Aust. NJ.J Surg 1988, 58, 903-907
  • Management of Posterior Urethral Valves - Indian Paediatrics, 1986, 23, 525-528
  • Management of double system ureterocele - Aust. NZ.J.Surg. 1987, 57, 655-660
  • Management of vesico ureteric reflux in myelodysplasia
  • Primary Peritonitics in Children - Annals of Tropical Paediatrics(Liverpool) 1983
  • Late onset bowel stenosis following necrotisingenterosolitis - Aust.Paediatr J. (1987)
  • Use of pulse oximetry in the assessment of aesenteric
  • Surgical Management of complete ureteric duplication abnormalities
  • Results of wilms tumor management in 2 tertiary care Hospitals in Asia
  • Construction of continent catheterisable urinary conduit from an isolated segment of colon
  • Use of rectus abdominis muscle flap in buttressing the divided bladder neck inpaediatric urinary incontinence – accepted.
  • Buttressing of the divided bladder neck by rectus abdominis muscle flap to prevent urethral recanalisation in paediatric urinary incontinence – accepted for
  • Bladder exstrophy : To augment or not to augment? An Indian experience of 43 cases. – Published in Paediatric Surgery International.
  • Paediatric Bladder Augmentation – Lessons learnt from 195 cases. Published in Journal of International Medical Sciences Academy.

As Co - author

  • Spontaneous perforation of the common bile duct in the neonate: Imaging and treatment.
  • Gender assignment in male pseudo hermaphroditism an Indian perspective , 1993,8,500-501
  • Single system ureteral ectopia; Associated malformation and management in children lacking orthotopia ureter paediatric surgery International – accepted for publication
  • Aplasia cutis congenital: New evidence supporting amniotic band theory of origin Pediatric Surgery International – accepted for publication
  • Pulmonary hypertension in Lambs with congenital diaphragmatic hernia; Vasodilator prostaglandins, Isoprenaline&Tolazoline Journal of pediatric surgery , 1990, 25, 487-491
  • Pseudo incontinence caused by Y – duplication of the urethra with urine storing vagina pediatric Surgery International , 1990, 5, 282-283
  • Kimura’s disease causing biliary obstruction pediatric Surgery International – accepted for publication
  • Postoperative hyponatremic convulsions in malnourished children Indian Paediatric – accepted for publication
  • Acalasiacardia in infancy & childhood . An Indian experience journal of Royal College of Edin. J. 1998, 43,103-4
  • Recurrent parotid abscess formation 8 years after an episode of cancrumorispaediatric surgery International 1998, 13, 162
  • Wilms’s tumor presenting as cushingoid syndrome paediatric surgery International 1998,13,293-4
  • Allopurinol reduces the severity of the peritoneal adhesions in mice journal of paediatric surgery 1995, 30, 533-7
  • Association of bleeding Meckel’s diverticulum with upper thoracic vertebral anomalies &Tetrology of FallotPaediatric Surgery International 1996,11, 180- 181
  • Isolated splenic hemangioma presenting with bleeding into serous body cavities paediatric surgery international 1995, 10, 389 – 390
  • The Mitrofanoff procedure in paediatric surgery tract reconstruction
  • Tandenureterocystoplasty
  • Perforation of an auto augmented bladder
  • Mitrofanoff procedure in children accepted for publication in Indian Association of Peadiatric Surgeons
  • Torted ovarian cyst with lethal bledding diathesis in an infant accepted for publication in paediatric surgery international
  • Normal umbilicus & infra umbilical abdominal wall in bladder exstrophy British journal of urology 1997,80,672
  • Infantile myofibromatosis : A case report and review of literature Indian - paediatrics 1995, 32: 225-229
  • Bilateral high loop ureterostomy in the primary management of posterior urethral valaves. Accepted in paediatric surgery International
  • Pulmonary lipoblastoma. Accepted in paediatric surgery International
  • Pneumonostomy in the management of Bilateral Pulmonary Hydatid accepted in the paediatric surgery international
  • Use of Malecot vent in neonatal bowel anastomosis – accepted for publication in paediatric surgery international
  • Choledochal cyst sans cyst – experience with 6 cases – accepted for publication in paediatric surgery international
  • Use of pouch colon for bladder augmentation – a report of 2 cases – accepted for publication in paediatric surgery International
  • The use of refluxing ureter in the creation of mitrofanoff channel in the children undergoing bladder augmentation – is a formal reimplantation necessary? Accepted for publication in paediatric surgery International.
  • Abdominal muscle flap repair for large defects of the diaphragm – accepted for publication in paediatric surgery International.
  • Rectus abdominis muscle flap cover instead of pubic approximation in the repair of exstrophy – epispadias – sent for publication in British journal of urology.
  • Y Duplication of the male urethra – use of anterior anorectal wall for posterior urethral lengthening. Published in paediatric surgery International.
  • Labial flap – a versatile tool in the repair of recurrent perineal canal defects. Published in paediatric surgery International.
  • How to do it. Bridging the cleft over the throbbing heart. Published in The Annals of Thoracic Surgery.
  • Tracheo esophageal fistula in a child following blunt chest trauma. Published in Journal of Paediatric Surgery.
  • Does bladder augmentation stabilize serum creatinine in urethral valve disease: An experience with 19 cases. Published in Journal of Paediatric Urology.
  • The leaking pancreatic duct in childhood chronic pancreatitis. Published in paediatric surgery International.
  • Neurogenic bladder decompressing via a spontaneous colovesical fistula – a case report. Published in Journal of Paediatric Surgery.
  • Reconstruction of male urethra using bowel segments. Published in Journal of Paediatric Surgery.
  • Cystic neuroblastoma – case report.
  • The appendix as ureteral substitute : A report of 10 cases. Published in Journal of Paediatric Surgery.
  • Use of the mitrofanoff principle in urinary tract reconstruction: Experience with 122 children. Published in Journal of Paediatric Surgery.
  • Congenital ureteric stenosis. A study of 17 children. Published in Paediatric Surgery International
  • Colon replacement of vagina to restore menstrual function in 11 adeloscent girls with vaginal or cervico vaginal atresia. Published in Paediatric Surgery International.
  • Vesico ureteric reflux. Current concepts & management implications. Invited review article in Indian Journal of Paediatrics.
  • A Helping Clamp for Thoracoscopic Plication of Congenital Eventration of Diaphragm to Journal of Laparo Endoscopic Surgery and Advanced Techniques.
  • Late onset ischemic consequences of acute gastric volvulus – management in 3 infants. Published in Journal of Indian Association of Paediatric Surgeons.
  • A peculiar cause for Metabolic Acidosis in the Newborn. Published in Journal of Neonatal Surgery.
  • Laparoscopic Cystogastrostomy in a 10 year old child. Published in Videoscopy JLAST B Journal.
  • 67Ravi Kishore Barla & Sudipta SenSkin cover in epispadias repair by dorsaltransposition of a ventral island flap: amodification of the Pippi Salle technique. Pediatr Surg Int aug 2015DOI 10.1007/s00383-015-3785-x
  • 67Ravi Kishore Barla & Sudipta SenSkin cover in epispadias repair by dorsaltransposition of a ventral island flap: amodification of the Pippi Salle technique. Pediatr Surg Int aug 2015DOI 10.1007/s00383-015-3785-x
  • Int Urogynecol J. 2015 Oct;26(10):1441-8. doi: 10.1007/s00192-015-2728-3. Epub 2015 May 12.Bowel vaginoplasty in children and young women: an institutional experience with 55 patients.
  • J Indian Assoc Pediatr Surg. 2015 Apr-Jun;20(2):82-3. doi: 10.4103/0971-9261.151553.A rare case of bilateral cystic nephroma associated with embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma of the penile urethra.
  • BMJ Case Rep. 2015 Mar 12;2015. pii: bcr2014208486. doi: 10.1136/bcr-2014-208486.Use of congenital pouch colon for augmenting the neurogenic bladder in a child: a 13-year follow-up.
  • Cardiovasc Intervent Radiol. 2015 Apr;38(2):270-9. doi: 10.1007/s00270-014-0971-5. Epub 2014 Aug 23.Percutaneous sclerotherapy of congenital slow-flow vascular malformations of the orbit.
  • Pediatr Surg Int. 2014 Oct;30(10):1051-60. doi: 10.1007/s00383-014-3550-6. Epub 2014 Jul 16.Cervicovaginal atresia with hematometra: restoring menstrual and sexual function by utero-coloneovaginoplasty.
  • Pediatr Surg Int. 2014 Jun;30(6):633-9. doi: 10.1007/s00383-014-3517-7. Epub 2014 May 3.Rectovestibular fistula with vaginal atresia: our experience and a proposed course of management.Kisku S1, Barla RK, Sen S, Karl S, Mathai J, Varghese L.
  • Pediatr Surg Int. 2014 Jun;30(6):633-9. doi: 10.1007/s00383-014-3517-7. Epub 2014 May 3.Rectovestibular fistula with vaginal atresia: our experience and a proposed course of management.Kisku S1, Barla RK, Sen S, Karl S, Mathai J, Varghese L.
  • Bal HS, Sen S. The use of ileocolic segment for esophageal replacement in children. J Indian Assoc Pediatr Surg 2016;21:116-9.
  • Preputial island flap for urethral stricture reconstruction – accepted for publications in annals of pediatric Surgery
  • Member of Indian Association of Paediatric Surgeons
  • Member of Tamilnadu Association of Paediatric Surgeons
  • Training in Liver Transplant as Visitor – Observer in Queen ElizabethHospital, Birmingham UK for 2 months
  • Senior Training Fellowship in Paed.Urology in Hospital for Sick Children,Great Ormond Street, London, UK&SouthamptonChildrensHospital, Southampton