
Dr. Deepalakshmi K MD (Physiology ) Head of the Department of Physiology

Physiology is the study of the functions of the body. Each course in the curriculum emphasizes an integrated study of human physiology. A strong emphasis is being placed on teaching, and the academic staff is dedicated and experienced in their field, committed to producing the best out of the students. The strength of the Department of Physiology lies in the outstanding faculty who take pride in a strong commitment to excellence in teaching. The faculty includes Professor and Head, 3 Professors, 2 Associate Professors , 2 Assistant Professors and 5 tutors. The department is actively engaged in a range of educational activities, including both classroom teaching across the campus, as well as the training of high quality graduate and post graduate students.


  • A comparative study on the cardiac functioning of endurance athletes, speed athletes and untrained individuals
  • Effect of increased bmi on st segment and t wave abnormalities in ECG
  • Correlation of lipid profile and QT interval, T-wave changes as a risk factor for cardiovascular disease, 2011
  • Assessment of cognitive status in diabetic persons, 2011
  • Analysis of degree of insulin resistance in post menopausal women using skin temperature measurements, fasting insulin & fasting glucose levels:2011

Papers Published

Dr.Nagashree R

  • The manifestation in autonomic functions during therapeutic touch. Biomedicine 2006. 26 (3&4): 13 – 17
  • Effect of phenol red on blood cell counts of arsenate exposed albino mice. Biomedicine 2007, 27(2): 60-63.
  • Effect of hibiscus esculentus fruit on arsenic induced oxidative changes in albino rats. Journal of natural remedies 2009,9(2):170-176.
  • Effect of administration of moringa oleifera leaves in the remediation of arsenic induced oxidative stress in rats. Biomedicine 2010, 30(3):278-81.
  • Cardiovascular and autonomic regulation evidenced by heart rate variability in bronchial asthma. Biomedicine 2010,30(4):504-9.
  • Effect of leaves of moringa oleifera on biochemical and physiological parameters in rats. Journal of natural remedies 2011,11(1):54-59.
  • Effect of continuous light exposure on the physiological parameters and serum cortisol levels in rats. Biomedicine 2007, 27(3): 123-125.
  • Gender difference in lipid peroxidation by the tissues of arsenic exposed mice.biomedicine 2008, 28(1): 51-53.


  • Evaluation of the Autonomic Functions in Perimenopausal and Menopausal Women In The Journal Of Clinical Diagnostics And Research in 2011,5(6) 1148-1150.
  • Evaluation Of Pulmonary Functions In Asthmatics After Six Weeks Of Ujjayi Pranayama And Shavasana Training in Biomedicine Journal 2012;32(1),52-56.
  • Modulation of Cardiovascular Response After Ujjayi Pranayama and Shavasana Training in Normal Human Volunteers in The Journal Of Clinical Diagnostics And Research in 2012,6(4) 571-573.
  • Correlation of lipid profile and QT interval, T-wave changes as a risk factor for cardiovascular disease in International Journal of Pharmacy and Biomedical sciences in 2012,3(2),20-23


  • Assessment of the cognitive status in diabetes mellitus in Journal of clinical and diagnostic research 2012 December; 6(10): 1658-1662.
  • Sensory nerve conduction in diabetes mellitus in Biomedicine 2008; 32(4): 465-472.


  • A preliminary study of assessment of left ventricular functions in morbid obesity in BAPT April 2009; (3): 21-23


  • The BIOPAC Student Lab System considered as the latest technique used for the quantitative assessment of the Autonomic Nervous System based on Heart Rate Variability (HRV) Analysis.
