Professional Information

Dr. P. Pradeep Designation : Professor

  • MD (Psychiatry)
  • 10 Years
  • Child Psychiatry, Bipolar disorder
  • Had won Best Poster award among the Faculties of PSG on the eve of research day celebrated on November 20th 2014.
  • Awarded the Best poster award for poster on “Study of Vitamin D levels in patients with Schizophrenia” in IPSOCON 2014 held at Bangalore on October 17th – 19th 2014.
  • Awarded Category B grant in a competitive research grant scheme in PSG as a part of PSG PRIME for proposal named “ Study of Vitamin D polymorphisms and Bipolar affective disorder”
  • Awarded “Best Poster award” in 2nd Early career Mental Health Professional’s workshop” conducted at Bangalore in NIMHANS in January 9th – 11th , 2014
  • Awarded “Young Scholarship Award” in all India level quiz in December 2009.

Ongoing& completed research projects:

  • Serum Vitamin D levels in patients with Schizophrenia
  • Per3 Length polymorphisms and Lithium response in Patients with Bipolar affective disorder
  • Vitamin D polymorphisms and Soft neurological signs in Bipolar affective disorder
  • Persistence of Biological rhythm abnormalities in euthymic bipolar disorder
  • Palaniappan P. Impact of comorbidities on Self-esteem of children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. Int. J Indian Psychology. April 2016; Volume 3, Issue 3, No.1, DIP: 18.01.011/20160303
  • Palaniappan P, Iyer A. Persistent sleep disturbances in remitted Bipolar disorder. Annals Medicus ( accepted, in press)
  • Palaniappan P. Aripiprazole as a treatment option for clozapine‑induced enuresis. Indian J Pharmacol 2015;47:574-5
  • Palaniappan P, Rajaram V. Linezolid induced hallucination- a case report. J Neuropsychiatry Clin Neurosci. 2015 Winter;27(1):e65
  • Rao NP, Palaniyappan P, Chandur J, Venkatasubramanian G, Gangadhar BN. "Successful Use of Donepezil in Treatment of Cognitive Impairment Caused by Maintenance Electroconvulsive Therapy - A Case Report".J ECT 2009 Sep;25(3):216-8.
  • Vinay H.R, Vijay D, Kutty BM, Kandasamy P, Golhar TS, Palaniappan P, Girimaji SC, Seshadri SP, Srinath S. "Case series of three children and adolescents with periodic hypersomnia". J. Indian Assoc. Child Adolesc. Ment. Health 2010; 6(4):120-124
  • Life fellow in Indian Psychiatric society, India