PSG Rural Health Training Center
PSG Rural Health Training Centre was started initially in 1961 as maternity centre. Later the centre slowly transformed into a rural health centre thereby delivering health care services to the rural community. The intensive coverage area of the centre includes 14 villages where 25886 people (7160 families) are residing. The mission statement of the centre is to provide a comprehensive health care to the patients incorporating preventive, promotive, curative and rehabilitative components. The centre is run by four medical officers of different specialization and total staff of about 35 is working here. The activities done in the centre can be broadly classified as follows
Centre – Based Activities
- Outpatient Services: Each day around 150 people seek health care services for common illnesses like Respiratory infection, Febrile Illness, Urinary Tract Infection, Injury, Non- Communicable diseases like Diabetes, Hypertension, and Anaemia etc. The Centre aims at delivering quality care based on holistic approach.
- Inpatient Services: Each month around 100 cases are admitted for management of diseases under supervision.
- Minor surgeries: Minor surgical procedures like suturing, Incision & Drainage, Foreign body removal, Ear lobe repair etc are done.
- Speciality Clinics
- Well Baby Clinic: Every Wednesday, growth monitoring of the babies is done and immunization activities are carried out. Every Week around 15 babies are vaccinated against the preventable diseases
- Well Women Clinic: Every Wednesday, the women in the reproductive age are screened for common gynaecological problems and other common Illness. The Haemoglobin Level for women are screened at free of cost and if they are found to be anaemic , further work-up is done. If found to be iron deficient, these patients are treated with iron tablets provided free of cost for a period of three months and post therapy lab analysis also done free of cost.
- NCD clinic: Understanding the fact that the prevalence of Non-Communicable Disease (NCD) is on the increasing trend, NCD Clinic is conducted every Thursday and the patients are screened for their blood Glucose level, Lipid profile, Renal functioning status at a highly subsidized rate.
- Antenatal Clinic: Every Tuesday and Saturday the antenatal clinic is conducted for routine check-up of the antenatal mothers and they are referred to main hospital for safe confinement. The delivery is conducted free of cost in the main hospital.
- Other Clinics: Ophthalmology, Yoga, Physiotherapy, Diet and ENT Clinics are conducted once a month to enable the patients to receive expert opinion.
Field Based Activities
- Extension OP Services: Doctors from the centre conduct mobile clinics at 6 different villages every week.
- Community Paediatric Clinic: Once in every 15 days paediatric Clinic is conducted in the community for growth monitoring of the child and to health educate on how a child should be brought in a healthy manner.
- Balwadi Health Check-Up: 8 ICDS centre are visited regularly for health check-up every month
- Adolescent Health Counselling: Health counselling activities are carried out routinely among 10 schools in our vicinity
- Health Education/ Awareness Activities are carried periodically to impart awareness about various aspects of health to the people,
- Celebration of National Health Days: This is to emphasise on the common health problems and methods to prevent the same.
- Home Visits/ Home based Care: Three field staff visit the families in the community and prompt referral is done for those who are in need.
- School Health Programme: PSG school students are screened annually for common health problems and treated accordingly.
Teaching Activities
- Field based activities to the MBBS students are organized in our catchment area to identify the felt needs of the community and for community diagnosis
- CRRI Training: The CRRI posted in the centre are trained practically on how to treat the patients regarding common health problems.
- Elective Students: Students from other Universities are briefed about primary health care delivery system in our setup.
- Post-Graduates Training: Post-Graduates of various departments (Community Medicine, Paediatrics, Obstetrics & Gynaecology) are trained regarding the prevailing health problems in a rural community and how these illness can be addressed.
- Pharmacy students: The pharmacy students are trained on how to give drug counselling to the patients.
Research Activities
- Every Month the interns are given a research question and are made to do a project to find answer for it.
- The post-graduates dissertation work among rural population are carried out.
- RTI project on air quality monitoring is currently carried out.
- Audit done every four months once on patient satisfaction in the form of exit interview for quality improvement of the health care delivery.
Community Development and Vocational Rehabilitation Activities
- Skill Development Classes: Spoken English Classes, Tailoring Classes etc, to develop the skills among the reproductive age women which could enable them to search for a job and earn their livelihood.
- Disability Rehabilitation Camp: Facilitating the disabled individuals to get monetary and other benefits from the government.
- Kitchen Gardening Activities – To promote the concept of organic farming.
Thondamuthur, Coimbatore,
Tamil Nadu,
Pincode – 641004.
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