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The department of microbiology caters to undergraduate and postgraduate training, diagnostic services to PSG Hospitals, hospital infection control, antimicrobial stewardship programme and CSSD facilities. Our lab offers state of the art diagnostic services in Aerobic and anaerobic Bacteriology, Serology, Mycology, Virology, Mycobacteriology, Parasitology, Molecular Biology, Allergy and Immunology.

The department has highly experienced Clinical Microbiologists and technicians, which offers comprehensive services for screening of infectious diseases and provides crucial support to the hospital infection control team.

As NABL accredited laboratory, we follow stringent quality control measures to deliver timely accurate, reliable reports which helps in providing high quality care to patients.

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UG – The department is involved in teaching MBBS students(250), BSc MLT, BPT, BSc Nursing and other allied degree courses. The medical undergraduates are taught as per the new CBME curriculum. The academic training included lectures, demonstrations, practicals, SGT and SDL. We have four demo halls, one lecture hall and a huge practical hall. The assessment is done as per university guidelines. The students are encouraged to take up ICMR STS research projects as well as intramural research programmes like PRIME.
PG – The department was upgraded as a postgraduate training centre in 2001, offers MD in Microbiology. Currently the intake is 4 postgraduates per year. The PGs get in depth training in our advanced diagnostic lab and are posted in various sections of diagnostic laboratory as per the university norms. They are posted in various clinical departments including ICUs to learn diagnosis and management of infectious diseases, HAI surveillance and Antimicrobial stewardship. The teaching programme includes subject seminars, technical seminars, journal clubs and problem based learning.

Special Clinical / Diagnostic services

Infectious diseases continue to be the most common ailment for which an individual visits a hospital.The department of Microbiology identifies the microbial organism responsible for the ailment and also puts up antibiotic susceptibility test to facilitate rational choice of antibiotic by the physicians.Infectious diseases may be trivial such as common cold for which a laboratory diagnosis is not sought, or serious, for which a laboratory diagnosis is pertinent. Some of the major infectious diseases for which a laboratory diagnosis is sought are Tuberculosis, Cholera, Typhoid, AIDS, Viral Hepatitis, Dengue, Urinary Tract Infections, Endocarditis, Rheumatic fever, scrub typhus, etc to name a few. For these infectious the best diagnostic method is available in our laboratory, namely- culture/ serology/ molecular methods.Our clinical laboratory is accredited by the NABL for performing these tests.

During the course of MBBS a student of Microbiology, learns the basics of every infectious disease as to its pathogenesis, diagnosis, management and specific prevention with vaccinations.

Apart from routine culture and sensitivity of bacteria and fungi and serological tests for diagnosis of infectious diseases, the laboratory has the following facilities also

  • Molecular Diagnosis by PCR – Diagnosis of Hepatitis C, Hepatitis B, HIV and TB is problematic in some patients in whom this disease is strongly suspected but the routine diagnostic tests are negative. IN such cases PCR is used as the diagnostic tool. Viral loads for HIV, Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C viruses are also done to facilitate treatment.
  • TB – Has a state of the art laboratory for diagnosis of TB which includes safe work environment (negative pressure) for Health Care Workers also.Earlier detection of TB by automated culture and detection system (MGIT) and drug sensitivity is being done.
  • Anaerobic Culture – Some bacteria producing serious infections are anaerobic in nature, such as gas gangrene, deep abscesses and septic abortion.Such infections though rare are a challenge for treating physicians.An Automated Facility for providing anaerobic atmosphere for cultivation and isolation of anaerobic bacteria are available.

Research and publications (last 10 years


Awards and Achievements:

  • Dr.B.Appalaraju, was awarded Dr.S.R.Sengupta – Dr.A.M.Saoji Memorial prize for best paper in Immunololgy for the paper titled “Chicken antibodies as an alternative source for mammalian antibodies for sero grouping of _ haemolytic Streptococcal isolates” presented at IAMM National conference at J.N.Medical College Belgaum – 2000.
  • Dr.S.Parvathi won the best paper award for the oral paper presentation titled “Activity of Linezolid on gram positive cocci with special reference to MRSA” presented at VII National Conference Hospital Infection Society of India, CMC, Vellore, Jan 9-11, 2003.
  • Paper titled “Multilocus genotyping of Cryptosporidium sp. Isolates from human immunodeficiency virus infected individuals in south India” Winter symposium on Infectious diseases, CMC Vellore 2004 by Dr.M.Dheepa won the best paper award.
  • The publication of Dr.J.Jayalakshmi, Dr.B.Appalaraju and Ms.Usha titled “Cellphones As-Reservoirs of Nosocomical Pathogens” in J Assoc Physician India 2008;56:(05) 388-389 has been selected for first prize for Dr.J.C Patel and Dr.BC Mehta best paper award.
  • Dr.Anila A Mathews was awarded the JSB gold medal on 30.09.09 for the Best thesis of the year 2008.
  • Dr.Sowmya N was awarded the JSB gold medal on 30.09.11 for the Best thesis of the year 2010.
  • Dr.Sowmya N was awarded the gold medal for University first in the M.D.University
  • examinations in Microbiology by The Tamilnadu Dr. MGR Medical University for the year 2010.

  • Dr.Anila A Mathews was awarded the First prize in the Quiz conducted at the workshop “Petri plate to PCR at JSS Medical College, Mysore – October, 2012.
  • Dr.S.Santhosh Gandhi, won prize on PSG ANNUAL RESEARCH DAY for research poster presentation – November 2014
  • Dr.Anisha Elizabeth Jacob, won prize on PSG ANNUAL RESEARCH DAY for research poster presentation – November 2014
  • Dr.B.Appalaraju won the Teachers Excellence award on Teachers Day – September 2015
  • Dr.S.Parvathi won the “Woman Achievers award”for the year 2015 from PSG Institutions
  • Dr.S.Parvathi won the Faimer Fellowship award – 2015
  • Dr.M.Mohamadiya Rizwana won I prize PSG ANNUAL RESEARCH DAY for Research poster presentation November 2015
  • Dr.Sneha May Kurian- won I prize in a quiz conducted by Department of Respiratory medicine, PSG Hospitals on World TB Day-2016
  • Dr.P.Thenmozhi won the II prize in a quiz conducted by Department of Respiratory medicine, PSG Hospitals on World TB Day-2016
  • Dr.Sneha May Kurian – won II prize in quiz conducted at Microcon 2016, PGIMER, Chandigarh
  • Dr.M.Parimalam won the I prize for the Clinical audit on Clinical Audit day – November 2016
  • Dr.Geethanjali won the II prize for the clinical audit on Clinical audit day – November 2016
  • Dr.D.Lavanya won the III prize for the PSG ANNUAL RESEARCH DAY for Research poster presentation November 2015
  • Dr.M.Mohamadiya Rizwana was awarded the gold medal for securing University first in the M.D examination in Microbiology by The Tamil Nadu Dr.MGR Medical University for the year 2016.
  • Dr. Paskin PG was awarded the gold medal for securing University first in the M.D examination in Microbiology by The Tamil Nadu Dr.MGR Medical University for the year 2021.
  • Dr.B.Appalaraju won the “Best Employee award” during Founder’s day celebration in 2022.
  • Dr. Lavanya S, was awarded ESCMID funded Observership grant – September 2022 to undergo Medical Mycology Observership at Westerdijk Fungal Biodiversity centre and UMC, Utrecht, The Netherlands.
  • Dr. Nikhil John was awarded ESCMID Travel Grant to present his research paper titled – “ abcd” in ECCMID 2024 at Barcelona, Spain

Diagnostic Facilities

  • Bacteriology including Anaerobic bacteria
  • Serology
  • Virology
  • Mycology
  • Mycobacteriology
  • Parasitology
  • Molecular Biology
  • Allergy and Immunology

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